Sunday, June 27, 2010

You know you're getting big when ... Caution: Mob4Hire email phish

It came to our surprise this morning that someone has been phishing for email addresses of community members. This is a bad thing.

Phishing according to Wikipedia is:
"In the field of computer security, phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication."

The email shown to the right is a spam that has been received by many people; including people who are part of Mob4Hire. THIS EMAIL IS NOT FROM MOB4HIRE. This particular Phish email is looking to obtain your email address.

Emails from Mob4Hire ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS have your first name addressed on them, as well as your "Mob4Hire Citizen since ..." date. They are also ALWAYS addressed by me (Stephen King, CEO,

As in all email attacks, if you don't recognize that data, don't open the email. Don't click on the links. Don't open or run any attached files. If in doubt about an email from Mob4Hire, manually type into your browser. This can ensure that you are reaching the Mob4Hire site.

Want to know more about "Malware?" Here's the Wikipedia link:

Sorry this happened ... but maybe it was inevitable as we get bigger ... I guess we're all a victim of our own success!

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